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  4. AMZ Analyzer Update- New MWS Authentication Method + Bug Fix

AMZ Analyzer Update- New MWS Authentication Method + Bug Fix

News & Updates News & Updates Windows 4 years ago


AMZ Analyzers,

New update is being pushed to all customers within next ~48 hours, fixing bugs and implementing new changes to the MWS Authentication Method (only impacting new customers or new marketplace setup.

Check out our demo video highlighting these updates:

Update List:

  • FIXED: Marketplace API Credentials method changed to Authorize a Developer instead of Register As a Developer,
  • FIXED: Hide, Unhide rows was generating an exception error,
  • FIXED: All additional columns were not populating,
  • FIXED: Certain numeric columns were configured to text filters,
  • FIXED: Various logic added to read messy Excel input spreadsheets

Hope you guys enjoy the update!  Please be sure to visit, subscribe and share our Facebook new Twitter page to be the first to get the latest updates on program developments and new features!

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