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Amazon LWA Update – Requires Windows app update by May 8th

News & Updates News & Updates Windows 1 year ago

What is changing?

Amazon SP-API is implementing a new security policy related to LWA (Login with Amazon) which impacts all application developers, see detailed announcement.

✔Analyzer.Tools has been updated as required by Amazon to conform with this policy.

What action is required for Analyzer.Tools users?

✔Web app users do nothing. Everything is automatically handled in the background for you, yay!

👉Windows app users will need to update their app to version prior to Monday May 8th 2023. Failure to update the app will cause an error after May 8th. Updating the app is easy, simply click the Update button in the top right corner of the Dashboard tab inside the app.

What to do if you encounter issues?

👉Navigate to the Settings > API screen and reconnect your account within the app. The SP-API authorization process is simple, click Connect or Reconnect to login to your Amazon seller account and authenticate using the Amazon Authorization screen page.

SPAPI Authentication
(click to enlarge)

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