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Reviews & Amazon Data

Tips & Tutorials Tips & Tutorials Web 1 month ago

This video walks you through how to use the Reviews & Amazon Data feature to show Amazon Seller, # of Reviews and Ratings for the web application.

These features require a Web app Pro account. You can upgrade to Web app Pro at anytime by logging into  and clicking My Account in top right corner of the screen. Once in the My Account section, navigate to Purchases > View Licenses > View Upgrades.

As demonstrated in the video, filtering your scan to a short list is strongly recommended prior to processing Reviews & Amazon Data. Due to the high load this feature places on our servers, we have the following protections in place to prevent abuse:

  • Reviews & Amazon Data scans of 10,000 products or less in single scan = unlimited.
  • Reviews & Amazon Data scans of 10,001- 50,000 products in single scan = 5 scans per month allowed.
  • Reviews & Amazon Data scans exceeding 50,000 products in single scan = Not allowed. Filter your list! 🙂

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